Saturday, September 10, 2016

Origin Story

Let's dive right in. Every hero has an origin story and this is mine.

I go by King Sol and this is Sol's Temple.

The father of the Internet, Tim Berners-Lee, envisioned everyone would have their own webpage, a personal blog to post whatever you want. And we have that ... kinda. With almost 2 in 7 people globally having a Facebook account, we're close to that reality.

But in my opinion, Facebook isn't a great medium for true, uncensored expression. Everyone has the one friend who posts too often, shares too much, or says the stupidest stuff. I think it pushes people to self censor for fear of being annoying or disliked. And that sucks. People should feel free to post the inane, depressing, philosophical, or boring things they want.

I plan on writing about whatever my heart desires: reviews of shows and movies I watch, reactions to what's happening in the country and the world, or just random thoughts that may inhabit my mind. Hopefully, I become a better writer in the process and these words are happily read by many in the future.

Welcome to The Temple (please leave your shoes at the door).

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